Quote of a genious

"I'm so fucking sick of people saying that we have t-shirts that say "Kill your parents and kill your dog". What the t-shirt actually says is "Warning: The music of Marilyn Manson may contain messages that will KILL GOD in your impressionable teenage minds. As a result you could be convinced to KILL YOU MUM AND DAD and eventually in a hopeless act of suicidal rocknroll behavior you will KILL YOURSELF. So please burn your records while there is still hope." Can't they see I'm trying to help them? I've said a million times that if more stupid people killed themselves over stupid songs, there would be less stupid people in the world. Besides, t-shirts and music don't kill people. Poor upbringing does. If someone wants to blame art, why are kids taught to read Romeo and Juliet in school? Here's a story about kids killing each other for one very important reason: their parents didn't understand them."
-Marilyn Manson, The long hard road out of hell
Postat av: Agnes
kan inte jag få låna den boken av dig? han är så himla smart den mannen alltså!
Postat av: agnes, (oj vad du har många agnes i ditt liv)
det där var typ det bästa jag hört på väldigt länge
Postat av: Ozciz
So fucking true
Postat av: Ozciz
So fucking true